To ensure that each of our park guests receive the most enjoyable experience, Frontier Trampoline Park has created the following set of safety guidelines that each guest should become familiar with. For the safety and comfort of all jumpers, failure to comply with these rules will result in ejection from the park.
General Rules
Everyone that enters Frontier Trampoline Park must have completed and signed a valid waiver. Guests must also have read and understood Park Rules and Trampoline Safety and Accident Prevention Guide. Those under the age of 18 must have a waiver completed and signed by their parent, legal guardian, or an individual with power of attorney.
There are no unscheduled birthday parties and we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Who can jump?
Every person who jumps on our trampolines must first provide a valid/signed Frontier Trampoline Park waiver.
Those under 18 must have the waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian.
No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is permitted on the trampolines.
Do not jump if you are pregnant or have other health limitations.
Pay attention to the rules
Adhere to these rules and additional rules which are posted on site for featured areas of the park.
Adhere to the directions of court monitors and other park staff at all times.
Trampolining is an inherently dangerous activity. Jump at your own risk.
Be aware of those around you and jump with people that are of similar age/size. It is your responsibility to avoid others.
Jump within your level of ability.
Walk on to and off the courts.
Wear jump socks at all times to prevent slipping and injury.
Empty your pockets entirely. Do not jump with any loose items.
Jump feet first with knees apart when jumping in the Foam Pit.
Stay in control of your body and position at all times.
Bend your knees to stop your bounce.
Bounce in the center of the trampoline.
Master the fundamental of single trampoline jumping before moving on to more advanced maneuvers such as trampoline to trampoline jumping and aerial type skills.
Remember that If you’re falling, try to bring your arms, legs, and head into a ball position.
Land on your head or neck.
Throw balls at another jumper’s head/neck area.
Double bounce.
Attempt to affect another jumper’s bounce in any way.
Double flip.
Flip over the pads.
Attempt or execute gainers.
Sit or lie on the trampolines. Exit the trampolines if you need to rest.
Touch, climb, lean, or hang on to any of the top pads or netting inside the trampoline areas.
Jump or land on the padding.
Land on your head.
Jump on a surface being used by another jumper
Jump if you have health limitations, are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and/or if you are pregnant.
Have anything in your mouth (food, gum, candies)
Push, tackle, run or engage in horseplay of any kind.
Touch any perimeter netting or top pads.
Hang on to basketball goals.
Apparel, accessories, & objects
Jumpers must wear the valid-colored wristband at all times during jumping.
No belt buckles, clothing studs, jewelry, key chains, or sharp objects are permitted on the trampolines.
No glass, balls, phones, cameras, or other objects or equipment are permitted on the trampolines.
Only Frontier Trampoline Park socks are permitted on the trampolines (no shoes), they can be purchased at the front desk for $3.00 a pair and can be re-used for future visits.
Customers may not have anything in their mouths (gum, candy, etc.) while on the trampolines.
No food or drink is permitted on the trampolines.
Customers may not have anything in their pockets while on the trampolines.
General behavior guidelines
Frontier Trampoline Park is a family friendly environment and as such, we require all guests to remain respectful of others while enjoying our facility. Spitting, profane language, bullying and “rough-housing” are strictly prohibited.
All waivers are properly completed.
Everyone has listened to the Court Monitors instructions.
Everyone has read the signs posted at each trampoline court.
Everyone must have purchased valid jump time before entering any court.